Re- Failed Windows Update
Windows updates failing, failed to evaluate installed rule. Hi all,i wonder if anyone can help. WSUS environment. PCs, and the only common feature is the WARNING failed to evaluate installed rule error. The other strange thing is that the update the windows update log mentions isnt the same one that WSUS says is required e. I started playing around in the playback devices settings and found the answer to be insanely simple. Heres the walkthrough Right click on your speaker icon in. Microsoft XML Core Services 6. Service Pack 2 is being installed, but this isnt listed in WSUS as being required its actually windows SP3 Windowsupdate. The Windows 10 Anniversary Update is finally here. Windows users cant wait to download it on their machines and test out the new features, but unfortunately not. Misc Logging initialized build 7. Misc Process C WINDOWSSystem. Misc Module C WINDOWSsystem. Forums/getfile/969410' alt='Re- Failed Windows Update' title='Re- Failed Windows Update' />Service 2. Service START Service Service startup. Service 2. Agent WU client version 7. Agent Base directory C WINDOWSSoftware. Distribution. 20. Agent Access type No proxy. Agent Network state Connected. Agent Agent Initializing Windows Update Agent 2. Agent Agent Initializing global settings cache 2. Agent WSUS server http houwsus. Agent WSUS status server http houwsus. Agent Target group Hounslow Desktop TEST2. Agent Windows Update access disabled No. Dnld. Mgr Download manager restoring 0 downloads. AU AU Initializing Automatic Updates 2. AU AU setting next detection timeout to 2. AU AU setting next sqm report timeout to 2. AU WSUS server http houwsus. AU Detection frequency 2. AU Target group Hounslow Desktop TEST2. AU Approval type Scheduled Policy2. AU Scheduled install daytime Every day at 1. AU Auto install minor updates Yes Policy2. AU Will interact with non admins Non admins are elevated Policy2. Report Report Initializing static reporting data 2. Report OS Version 5. Report Computer Brand Dell Inc. Report Computer Model Opti. Xbox 360 Recall Serial Numbers on this page. Plex GX5. 20 2. Report Bios Revision A0. Report Bios Name Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1. A0. 72. 01. 0 0. Report Bios Release Date 2. T0. 0 0. 0 0. 02. Report Locale ID 1. AU Initializing featured updates. AU Found 0 cached featured updates. AU AU setting pending client directive to Install Approval2. AU AU finished delayed initialization. AU 2. AU START AU Search for updates. AU 2. AU lt lt SUBMITTED AU Search for updates Call. Id 9. 12. EFF8. B 5. BB7 8. E8 4. D6. 0BA7. E3. Report REPORT EVENT C2. AB8. 0 D5. 97 4. CA8 8. D 8. C9. 4A2. 4A0. C2 2. Automatic. Updates Success Content Install Installation Ready The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer is currently scheduled to install these updates on Monday, April 1. AM Update for Microsoft XML Core Services 6. Service Pack 2 KB9. Report REPORT EVENT 1. CA9. B4 B7. 70 4. B0. 4 BFC6 A8. 7DD3. B5. AE1. B 2. Automatic. Updates Success Content Install Reboot completed. Agent 2. Agent START Agent Finding updates Caller. Id Automatic. Updates2. Agent 2. Agent Online No Ignore download priority No. Agent Criteria Is. Hidden0 and Is. Installed0 and Deployment. ActionInstallation and Is. Assigned1 or Is. Hidden0 and Is. Present1 and Deployment. ActionUninstallation and Is. Assigned1 or Is. Hidden0 and Is. Installed1 and Deployment. ActionInstallation and Is. Assigned1 and Reboot. Required1 or Is. Hidden0 and Is. Installed0 and Deployment. ActionUninstallation and Is. Assigned1 and Reboot. Required12. 01. Agent Service. ID 3. DA2. 16. E3. D 4. DA6 8. A4. B B4. BCB1. B7 Managed. Agent Search Scope Machine2. AU WARNING AU found no suitable session to launch client in. AU Forced install timer expired for scheduled install. AU Update. Download. Properties 0 downloads are still in progress. AU 2. AU START AU Install updates. AU 2. AU Initiating scheduled install. AU Approved updates 1. AU lt lt SUBMITTED AU Install updates installing updates Call. Id 1. B2. 9C7. AA 4. BAA8 B5. F8. 92. F6. Agent 2. Agent START Agent Installing updates Caller. Id Automatic. Updates2. Agent 2. Agent Updates to install 1. Agent Title Update for Microsoft XML Core Services 6. Service Pack 2 KB9. Agent Update. Id 4. D3. E8. 1D4 5. D 4. C5. 0 A6. 8A 3. C1. E9. 1A2. AEF9. Agent Bundles 1 updates 2. Agent 2. EFD0. 64 0. A4. A 4. B6. 00 CE1. F9. 5FA4. CB3. 1. 00. 20. 10 0. Agent WARNING Failed to evaluate Installed rule, update. Id BFE5. B1. 77 A0. A0 B1. 02 0. 97. E4. FA1. F8. 07. E0. 01. Agent Added update 3. B5. 24. 15 A5. BA 4. E9 8. 07. 2 9. D2. DEE8. B2. 2A9. 1. Agent Added update 4. D3. E8. 1D4 5. 40. D 4. C5. 0 A6. 8A 3. C1. E9. 1A2. AEF9. Agent Found 2 updates and 5. Agent 2. Agent END Agent Finding updates Caller. Id Automatic. Updates2. Agent 2. AU RESUMED AU Search for updates Call. Id 9. 12. EFF8. B 5. BB7 8. E8 4. D6. 0BA7. E3. AU 2 updates detected. AU 2. AU END AU Search for updates Call. Id 9. 12. EFF8. B 5. BB7 8. E8 4. D6. 0BA7. E3. AU 2. AU Featured notifications is disabled. AU 2. AU START AU Search for updates. AU 2. AU lt lt SUBMITTED AU Search for updates Call. Id BDABB0. 7D 2. E6. A2. 01. Agent 2. Agent START Agent Finding updates Caller. Id Automatic. Updates2. Agent 2. Agent Online Yes Ignore download priority No. Agent Criteria Is. Hidden0 and Is. Installed0 and Deployment. ActionInstallation and Is. Assigned1 or Is. Hidden0 and Is. Present1 and Deployment. ActionUninstallation and Is. Assigned1 or Is. Hidden0 and Is. Installed1 and Deployment. ActionInstallation and Is. Assigned1 and Reboot. Required1 or Is. Hidden0 and Is. Installed0 and Deployment. ActionUninstallation and Is. Assigned1 and Reboot. Required12. 01. Agent Service. ID 3. DA2. 16. E3. D 4. DA6 8. A4. B B4. BCB1. B7 Managed. Agent Search Scope Machine2. Misc Validating signature for C WINDOWSSoftware. DistributionSelf. UpdateDefaultwuident. Misc Microsoft signed Yes. Dnld. Mgr Preparing update for install, update. Id 2. 8EFD0. 64 0. A4. A 4. 43. 5 B6. CE1. F9. 5FA4. CB3. Misc Logging initialized build 7. Misc Process C WINDOWSsystem. Misc Module C WINDOWSsystem. Handler 2. Handler START Handler Command Line Install. Handler 2. Handler Updates to install 1. Misc Validating signature for C WINDOWSSoftware. DistributionSelf. UpdateDefaultwuident. Misc Microsoft signed Yes. Misc Validating signature for C WINDOWSSoftware. DistributionSelf.