
Silverlight Serializable

Silverlight Serializable Rating: 9,0/10 5189votes

Json. NET Home. Notice Json. Photo To Color Sketch 6 51 Pill. NET development has moved to Git. Hub. Code. Plex will only be updated with new downloads. Json. NETJson. NET is a popular high performance JSON framework for. NETFeatures. Flexible JSON serializer for converting between. NET objects and JSON LINQ to JSON for manually reading and writing JSON High performance, faster than. Install Gps Windows Ce on this page. NETs built in JSON serializers Write indented, easy to read JSON Convert JSON to and from XML Supports. NET 2,. NET 3. 5,. NET 4, Silverlight, Windows Phone and Windows 8. The JSON serializer is a good choice when the JSON you are reading or writing maps closely to a. NET class. LINQ to JSON is good for situations where you are only interested in getting values from JSON, you dont have a class to serialize or deserialize to, or the JSON is radically different from your class and you need to manually read and write from your objects. Download Json. NET from Code. PDFView4NET 5. 0. WPF Silverlight edition has been released. For the complete list of features click here. The. Plex or install using. Nu. Get. Find getting started guides and comprehensive API documentation. Donate. Json. NET is a personal open source project. Started in 2. 00. I have put hundreds of hours adding, refining and tuning Json. Becker Grand Prix Be1432 Manual'>Becker Grand Prix Be1432 Manual. NET with the goal to make it not just the best JSON serializer for. NET but the best serializer for any computer language. I need your. help to achieve this. Feature Comparison. Performance Comparison. The source code for this benchmark is included in the Json. NET unit tests. My Blog. My blog can be found at http james. I post news and updates about Json. NET. My Twitter. My twitter account can be found at James. Silverlight Serializable' title='Silverlight Serializable' />Silverlight SerializableFull Windows 10 support Added Visual Studio 2015 Addin Added option to merge all obfuscated types inside a single namespace random generated namespace or a user.